The Grate Project
Kelly Towles' Grate Project is great! This one's at One World Fitness across from the Black Cat.

The Grate Project
A new series of large-scale public paintings by Kelly Towles
Seeking to create large scale paintings that will exist in the public realm, Kelly Towles is creating murals that will completely cover the roll-down security grates at One World Fitness, outside the artist studios at 926 N Street in Blagden Alley, and at the Black Cat nightclub. Re-vitalizing these grates into dynamic contemporary artworks, The Grate Project is intended to further dialogue about the nature of street art and public art work, while enhancing DC's street-scapes.
There will be a public reception to celebrate the creation of all the paintings and all those who helped support The Grate Project October 23 from 8-11pm at The Black Cat BackStage.
Holly Bass at Transformer

Transformer is excited to present Holly Bass in "Pay Purview," the second installment of Show and Prove:
Thursday, September 27, 6:30 - 8pm
Pay Purview is an ongoing multidisciplinary work combining live performance with original recorded music and video. Pay Purview is an exploration of the role of women in commercial hip hop music and videos.
In the live performance for Transformer, Holly Bass wears a "booty ball" costume piece made of playground balls to create an exaggerated, oversized, Hottentot-style derriere. Presented in Transformer's storefront window space, the audience, participating from the sidewalk outside the gallery, is asked to pay a dime for each viewing. A curtain opens for a short time and the performer dances to a selection of songs ranging from Rodgers & Hart's "Ten Cents a Dance" to Sir Mix-A-Lot's "Baby Got Back." The dance scenes range from mock burlesque to video-ho-booty-shaking to ethnographic display depending on the selected tune and the performer's impulse.
Show and Prove is Holly Bass' ongoing series of work presented in galleries and spaces traditionally dedicated to the visual arts. "Show and Prove," an old-school hip hop expression, means to demonstrate. In this case, there is the visual documentation ("show"), such as video or physical performance remnants as well as the live performance, often accompanied by an artist talk ("prove"). The first installment of Show and Prove titled "In Sect/Communication" was presented at Dissident Display Gallery in April 2007.
This work is funded in part by the DC Commission on the Arts & Humanities, an agency supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts. Bootie Ball image by McKenzie Johnson.

. . . but then they danced down the street like dingledodies, and I shambled after as I've been doing all my life after people who interest me, because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a common place thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the starts in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everyone goes "awww!"
Jack Kerouac, 1957
Artcade party at Options

Edison Place Gallery
702 8th Street, NW
Thursday, September 27
6 - 9 PM
702 8th Street, NW
Thursday, September 27
6 - 9 PM
WaPo magazine

In case you haven't seen the Washington Post Sunday Magazine today...
In this article, Deborah Dietsch says that I am an art blogger. I think that is WAY overstating my aspirations for this blog! Basically, I just write pithy posts about myself and my friends, many of whom happen to be very creative and cool people. Guess I'll have to start focusing on the more substantive, hard-hitting issues confronting the local contemporary art world. In the meantime, please don't get on my case when I post cute things like this:
The District Line reopens in Georgetown

Mendi and I ogled a Bentley outside the very fun re-opening party for The District Line, a mod British men's clothing store that recently moved from Adams Morgan to Georgetown. Owner Marshall Thompson did a nice job with the store design, which features a couple great wall paintings by the brilliant graffiti artist Kelly Towles. My friends Norissa and Alishia have also done a fantastic job promoting District Line through their marketing company Coqui. They got some press coverage, including Washingtonian.com, which had this to say about the guests: "Among the more notable Washingtonians in attendance were DC United’s Ben Olson and Brian Carroll, Philippa Hughes of the Pink Line Project and congressional daughter Jackie Kucinich." Very amusing! If I'd known I was going to be a notable guest, I would have worn something more notable.

Avenue To at The Space on Saturday

Listen to their loungey, funky, electronica sound! This is Lucan Klyne's and Tom Pipken's new musical venture. Very cool.
Mary Noble Ours photographs Gidget

She and I had fun taking these action shots of Gidget and me on Q Street and in the alley. I like the way Mary Noble sets many of her portraits in natural surroundings, which makes a beautiful and unobtrusive frame.

With a Cherry On Top

Veronica has weakened! She's going to let us buy Lollipops and Ass Whoopings from her. I think they make a very nice pair. Yay!

Dumb photo of feet
--Charlotte, Lost In Translation
Lisa Marie and I were trying to figure out why the flash on my camera wasn't working and ended up with this picture of our cool shoes (my skirt is supposed to hang that way!). This photo was taken toward the beginning of a 4 AM bender that began with an unsuccessful attempt at hitting every art opening on the 14th Street corridor Saturday night - I think we made it to five. Saw some great art that really makes me believe that DC's art scene is completely underrated. After the openings wrapped up, we headed to Viridian and closed the bar, then closed Solly's where we annoyed all the jocks in the joint by playing tunes like Dancing Queen and Michael Jackson's Beat It on the jukebox, then hit Ben's Chili Bowl for some chili cheese fries and half-smokes.
Olga Viso leaving Hirshhorn

Read more about it in the New York Times and the Washington Post.
* I just noticed that my buddy Ken Cedeno should be credited with taking this photograph of Olga that I took off the NY Times website.
Another busy art weekend!
Friday night:
Saturday night:

Irvine Contemporary
1412 14th Street
Susan Jamison: Trust in Me
Courney Jordan, Restructuring
1412 14th Street
Susan Jamison: Trust in Me
Courney Jordan, Restructuring

Project 4
903 U Street
Landscapes / Star Wars on Earth
6:00 - 8:30pm
903 U Street
Landscapes / Star Wars on Earth
6:00 - 8:30pm

Transformer Gallery 1404 P Street SASS 7-9pm Featuring work in a variety of disciplines including photo-collage, video, performance, painting, drawing, and mixed media installation, SASS offers a small survey of contemporary artwork by a new generation of women artists. Holly Bass (WDC), Amanda Douglas (Lexington,KY), Natalia Fabia (LA, CA), Danniel Swatosh (NYC), and Lisa Marie Thalhammer (WDC) each explore concepts of femininity, identity, and pop culture perceptions of women through their diverse artistic endeavors.

Arts on Foot 2007
Penn Quarter
11:00am – 5:00pm
Penn Quarter
11:00am – 5:00pm
Rock Opera
Look here for more about Amelia's work. She's becoming an internationally-known video and performance artist.
Cory Oberndorfer in Options show. Yay!

I'm really excited that Cory Oberndorfer will be featured in this show! He's super talented and an all-around nice guy. I love his paintings of roller derby girls.
Pepco's Edison Place Gallery
702 Eighth Street NW
OPENING RECEPTION: Thursday, September 13, 6:30-8:30 pm
CURATOR TALK: Sunday, October 7, 2:00 pm
ARTIST TALK: Friday, October 26, 6:30-8:30 pm
702 Eighth Street NW
OPENING RECEPTION: Thursday, September 13, 6:30-8:30 pm
CURATOR TALK: Sunday, October 7, 2:00 pm
ARTIST TALK: Friday, October 26, 6:30-8:30 pm
Curated by PAUL BREWER
Originally developed in 1981 by the WPA board of directors, the first WPA OPTIONS biennial was curated by legendary artist Gene Davis and Washington Review editor Mary Swift. Continuing with this historic and eagerly anticipated exhibition, OPTIONS 2007 curator Paul Brewer, Director of the Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art, has selected 10 emerging artists who represent the creative diversity of the region. 2007 marks the 12th year of OPTIONS and the ongoing dedication of the WPA\C to support, promote and encourage new and emerging talent, as well as to stimulate dialogue between established and emerging artists, and the regional community.
Adams Morgan Day Festival

Kerry tests organic jeans

An artist I love, Kerry Skarbakka, often sports jeans (or nothing at all!) while performing daredevil stunts for his photographs. So who better than Kerry to test-drive a pair of organic, vegetable-dyed Loomstate jeans. Read all about it on Psychopedia.
Gone fishin'

The spoils: four albacore, five mackerels, and a little sea bass. And, of course, the huge one that got away. . .
Weekend arts
The 2007 fall art season kicks off this weekend with lots of great shows. Following is an incomplete (and slightly long) sampling of what's on the docket this weekend.
At the Warehouse . . .
Art Romp 20 + Art Romp 20 + Art Romp 20 + Art Romp 20
Friday Sept 7 from 6 - 11pm
*art *performance *projection inside and out *picnic in the parking lot
See the work of artists from all the years of Art Romps
See art in all the Warehouse spaces buzzing with the echoes of the past
Be part of the past and future of Warehouse. AND as usual Food - Drink - Fun
(Our final ART ROMP, but not our final art show - more shows scheduled for Oct., Nov., and Dec.)
Over 100 Art Romp Artists!
blk w/bear * Monocle Collective 4 * Adrienne Moumin * Nooni Reitig * Alexandra Silverthorne * Peter Romero * Angela White * Manon Cleary * Anne Marchand * Piero Passacantando * Beth Baldwin * Randall Stoltzfus * Beth Cartland * Rania Hassan * Bridget Sue Lambert * Jane Jerardi * Carolina Mayorga * Richard Wellons * Cameron Ayres * Joele Michaud * Dana Ellyn * Rosetta McPherson * Dara Friel * Peter Wood * Elizabeth Morrisette * Ruth Trevarow * Ellen Weiss * Frederick Nunley * Erwin Timmers * Tim Martin * Gregory Ferrand * Ryan Hackett * Gabriela Bulisova * Tim Tate * Gail Peck * Michael Janis * Ian Jehle * Karen Schnitz * Heather Schmaedeke * Stephanie Dinkins * Heather Levy * Matt Sesow * Ira Tattelman * Sheila Crider * Isabel Manalo * Sondra Arkin * James Coleman * Sonia Linebaugh * Jared Davis * Steven Strichter * Jason Gottlieb * Dan Murray * J S Adams * Terence Nicholson * Joroko * Tom Drymon * Jose Ruiz * Rick Delany * Karen Joan Topping * Verta Reyes * Karey Kessler * Travis Childers * Kevin Cowl * Douglas Kingsbury * Kerri Sheehan * Anita Walsh * Kristin Holder * Christina Ruppert * Richard Kightlingler * Scott Brooks * Kim Burke * Jo Anne Carr * Kristina Bilonick * Pat Goslee * Keith Stanley * Randall Stoltzfus * Laura Elkins * Jim Dadey * Linda Hesh *Emily Tellez * Mark Planisek * Richard Chartier * Margaret Dowell * Claudia Vess * Michele delamenardiere * Gatien Cezeget * TM Lowery * Andrew Wodzianski * Pat Dunning * Jenufa Kent * Lucy Clark * Sherill Gross * George Koch * Eric Hammesfahr * Edward Purcell * Seth Kaplan
Warehouse Arts
1021 7th Street NW
202 783 3933

Recent paintings of gallery artist Gerardo Bravo Garcia
Opening reception on Saturday, September 8th from 6 to 9pm.
Bravo’s message to viewers is that we should “live every day with the awareness that this moment is all we’ve got.”

September 7, 2007 - October 25, 2007
Opening Reception: 6 - 8pm on September 7, 2007
@ Hillyer Art Space
9 Hillyer Court, NW
To create her Ice Stories, artist Lisa Sheirer takes photographs of natural landscapes through ice coated windows, then manipulates them to create abstracted compositions. Minimalist in shape, but complex in their detail, Sheirer sculpts the images digitally in order to accentuate the symmetry and repetition found in the pattern of the ice crystals.
The Ice Stories radiate the natural color of the landscape and appear illuminated from within. No longer resembling a traditional landscape, Sheirer’s abstract forms instead exude the inner energy of the landscape. Their meditative quality conveys universal concepts about time, memory and dreams.

A film by Sharat Raju & Valarie Kaur
2006 | 110 min | Color | U.S.A.
Driven to action by the murder of a turbaned man in her community, a college student drives across America in the aftermath of 9/11 to discover stories that did not make the evening news. From the still-shocked streets of Ground Zero to the desert towns of the American West, Valarie Kaur's inspiring journey uncovers remarkable stories of hate violence, fear, and unspeakable loss – until she finds the heart of America halfway around the world. Five years in the making, Divided We Fall: Americans in the Aftermath deftly explores race, religion, and what it means to be American in times of national crisis.
Kyle Poole's Home
3716 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington DC 20016
When: Friday, September 7th, from 7 to 10PM
Phone: 202-262-2181
Reception: 7 to 10PM
International food, music, and dance in honor of the 3rd annual 9/11 Unity Walk which will take place on Sunday Septemer 9, 2007. The Walk celebrates religious tolerance and interfaith dialogue. It starts at Washington's largest synagogue, stops at numerous places of worship (including the Islamic Center), and concludes at the Gandhi Memorial in Dupont Circle. For more information see here.
Screening of the Film: 8pm

September 7 - November 16, 2007
Opening Reception
September 7
6:00 - 9:00PM
Carroll Square Art Gallery
975 F Street, NW
Washington DC 20004
Noelle Tan: From Here to the Salton Sea
Erick Jackson: Vlad's Crib
September 7 - October 20, 2007
Opening Reception
September 7
7:00 - 9:00PM
Civilian Art Projects
406 7th Street, NW
3rd Floor
Washington DC 20004
Brady Robinson: Shift
Curated by Chan Chao
September 7 - October 6, 2007
Opening Reception
September 7
6:00 - 9:00PM
916 G Street, NW
Washington DC 20001

International Visions Gallery
2629 Connecticut Avenue, NW
September 1 - October 6, 2oo7
Opening Reception
Saturday, September 8
For last three decades Platt’s work has evolved trough thought provoking observations of the world with the human body. His current work involves tension between setting and subject, history and identity, and conventional representation with non-conventional representation. Through out his career, Platt has tried to create a new order and direction to explain his personal truth. In his new work his techniques engages us in several layers of artistic involvement, including painting directly on a model, photographing the model in the studio, and digitally collagen multiples images to compose the final work.

Curated by J.T. Kirkland
August 28 - September 29, 2007
Opening Reception Friday, September 7
6:30 to 9 PM
Arts Club of Washington
2017 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006
Tuesday - Friday, 10am - 5pm
Saturday, 10am - 2pm
Saturday, 10am - 2pm
The exhibition features work by James W. Bailey (VA), Rachael Baldanza (NY), Joseph Barbaccia (VA), Gregg Chadwick (CA), J. Coleman (DC), Anna Conti (CA), Warren Craghead III (VA), Rosetta DeBerardinis (MD), Greg Ferrand (DC), D. Keith Furon (CA), Matt Hollis (DC), Candace Keegan (MD), Angela Kleis (DC), Tara Krause (CA), Andrew Krieger (DC), Prescott Moore Lassman (DC), James Leonard (NY), Nathan Manuel (DC), Jennifer McMackon (Ontario, Canada), Jennifer Miller (DC), A.B. Miner (DC), Charles Neenan (VA), Peter Reginato (NY), Jose Ruiz (NY), Wayne Schoenfeld (CA), Kathleen Shafer (DC), Alexandra Silverthorne (DC), Marsha Stein (MD), Trish Tillman (NY), Kelly Towles (DC), Bryan Whitson (DC), and Jamie Wimberly (DC).
You can learn more about the project and the show at the curators website, Thinking About Art.

Nevin Kelly Gallery:
Saturday, September 8th, 6-9 pm
"Peer Pressure", guest curated by local artist Thom Flynn and
featuring the work of Sue Huang, Carrie Mallory, Baby Martinez, and Pascual Sisto
Local artist and guest curator Thom Flynn has assembled a group of his peers to size-up contemporary trends in art at Nevin Kelly Gallery, 1517 U Street, NW, in Washington, DC. Flynn chose the title "Peer Pressure" to demonstrate thepositive potential of a concept that is generally perceived as negative.