20,000,000 Breast Strokes to Earth

Don't miss my theatrical debut when I make a guest appearance (two lines!) in this drag outer space romp!
This fall some of the DC theatre community’s top professionals are joining together to give back to the community at large by producing Hope Operas. Hope Operas are five serialized shows that will run for six weeks. Each week each show will present a 15-minute episode ending in a cliffhanger and each show is raising money for a local charity. The audience will vote for their favorite serial and moneys will be distributed according to popularity with the most popular serial getting the most money for their charity etc.
Hope Operas
Monday, October 5
8:00 PM
@Miss Pixie’s Backroom Palace
1626 14th St., N.W.
Admission: $10
Benefits The Mautner Project
More info HERE.
Reserve seat by emailing hopeoperas@gmail.com
Pay at door.
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