I donated a "party with cool artists on my terrace" to the live auction at the Cultural Development Corporation gala this past spring. After some vigorous bidding in which my auction item went for twice as much as an afternoon with Mayor Fenty(!), Olwen Pongrace of the Choral Arts Society won the party for her and seven of her friends. I don't think she knew what she was getting herself into!
The evening began with mango mimosas and quickly devolved from there. See above for Bradley Chriss' performance of a meat poem in which he reads George Bataille's "Story of the Eye" while stuffing his mouth with raw meat. Lots of nervous laughter ensued. See some more fun pictures
here. The reading was followed by kebab grilling!

For dessert, we enjoyed delicious cupcakes from
Yours Truly (not too much frosting is but one reason why I love these tasty treats) while being serenaded by one of my favorite musicians in town
Maureen Andary. Her songs have a vintage sound but very contemporary lyrics. Love her!!

The evening ended with the lovely artists Steve Frost and Kathryn Cornelius making full use of my newly installed swing. Performance art?

On Saturday night, a bunch of DC art girls headed up to Baltimore to catch the Sondheim awards. DC artists Ryan Hackett and Molly Springfield represented well, but didn't win. Robbed again. DCist reports on the Sondheim

Spent Sunday afternoon at the Capitol Skyline pool. I'm including this in the arty weekend roundup because I was with Dr. Fred and we basically talked about art all afternoon. Plus the hotel is owned by Mera Rubell, one of the great art collectors of our time, and the hotel was designed by an architect I like a lot, Morris Lapidus.

Finally, I spent several hours moving all my art into my place after having lived here a year. Finally! Can't wait to get it all hung up.
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