(re)do it

As if you need another reason to come to the Arlington Arts Center tomorrow night, Kathryn Cornelius will be doing a very cool live performance via webcam, based on instructions submitted via email (before the opening) or Twitter during this Friday's exhibition opening. Anyone can participate, regardless of whether or not they can make the opening night. Learn how to send instructions here.
What is this project about?
1 - To upend the relationship between public and artist set forth in Hans Urlich Obrist's Do It project, while...
2 - ...Inverting the dynamic between performer and audience, literally performing on audience command, thereby...
3 - ...Changing the role of the audience as art consumers to participatory producers of the artwork, and...
4 - ...Closing the gap between the artist's studio as a site of labor and the gallery space as a site of viewership, through...
5 - ...Engaging Web 2.0 technologies (blogsites, Twitter, webcams) as mediums for collaborative expression, deflating the notion of the individual as Author, while...
6 - ...Exposing the influence that the demands and desires of the art market has on the artwork produced by artists today
And if there is any doubt that Kathryn Cornelius is awesome, check her out in DC Mag this month:

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