A person who appears to be ambling aimlessly, but is secretly in search of adventure.


DC Magazine art issue

A big spread in the December 2008 issue of DC Magazine called Arts & Power 2008 includes me and some really great arty friends around the city like Henry Thaggert, Steve Frost, Kathryn Cornelius, Andrea Pollan, Mark Jenkins, and the guys at Dissident Display. Here's what they had to say about me:

The Party Girl
Art guru Philippa Hughes had the chance to be an arm's-length philanthropist, but chose to get down and dirty with the scene instead. Now, the patron saint of local artists is hailed as DC's go-to gal for making things happen and pulling off the boldest expos in the city. Whether she's showcasing graffiti art in Arlington, invading the Lee Jensen Brake Shop in DC, rolling with Roller Derby girls at an art opening or manning standing-room-only panels at Artomatic, Hughes will do just about anything for the area's bubbling art set. "About a year ago, I realized there was a real hunger in DC for somebody to put everything together," she says, happy to have stepped up to the plate. Up next, she's gearing for the March show of her latest faves, Ann Tarantino and Kate McGraw at Flashpoint, and the revamp of her own nonprofit The Pink Line Project, with a website that will soon feature a calendar of DC's latest and greatest in the Beltway.

In Miami last week, I received the weirdest catcall ever: I was walking down the main drag Collins Avenue wearing a green sun dress when I passed a construction site. One of the construction workers got my attention and declared, "You should wear yellow or orange. Not green." I must have looked aghast because he followed that up with, "You look ok in green. But it's not your color!" Guess he was right. :)


Blogger Allison said...

how nice! beautiful picture too...

9:16 PM


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