Collecting African American Art and Black Memorabilia

African American Art and Black Memorabilia
Sunday, March 2
4 - 6 pm
@ Busboys and Poets, The Langston Room
2021 14th Street NW
Are you an Art Collector or ever thought about collecting?
What is the difference between an art collector and a purchaser?
Need helpful tips on purchasing?
Why is African American Art and Black Memorabilia so important anyway?
Discuss these issues and more with a group of four panelists:
Juanita and Mel Hardy - Co-Founders/Co-Directors of Millennium Arts Salon, Washington, D.C. "The Hardys could be called art activists: They periodically open their home to host the Millennium Arts Salon, which "provides an elegant and safe environment for…insights into the selfless quest for beauty in one's life." And you won't find much on their walls that doesn't demonstrate the importance of African-American art to the broader national culture."
Malinda Saunders - a native of Norfolk, VA, is the founder and organizer of the first Black Memorabilia Show to be held in the USA. She has spoken on National TV, "Good Morning America", and local channels 7, 8, 9 and 32 on the subject of Black Memorabilia. She has travel to Los Angeles, and Pasadena, California, Dallas, Texas, Richmond, Virginia, Princeton, New Jersey, Atlanta, GA and Baltimore, Maryland, presenting The Black Experience. Presently she is a Dealer of Black Memorabilia and an avid collector of Black Dolls.
Anne Bouie - A self-taught artist, that works in sculpture and mixed media. Formally trained as an educator, with a terminal degree in Education, and graduate degrees in Secondary Ed and African history. Has had her artwork displayed throughout the city.
The A. C. T. O. R. series is hosted by Busboys and Poets as a community service. This discussion series provides the opportunity for people to come together and speak openly and honestly about issues of race. The intent is that each person walks away from the discussion feeling something; challenged, educated, uncomfortable, enlightened, refreshed, reassured and hopefully inspired. The first Sunday of each month a new topic is discussed, with Busboys and Poets sponsoring a facilitator.
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