Washington Project for the Arts Presents:
Tug-of-War, Blurring the Line Between Art and Craft
Panel discussion:
Wednesday, April 22
5:30 - 7:30om
@ WPA Headquarters
2023 Massachusetts Avenue NW

Ding Ren
one to one
April 13 - 24
Wednesday, April 22
6 - 8pm
@ Gallery 102, Smith Hall of Art
George Washington University
801 22nd Street NW
Allison Reimus, Green Pattern, acrylic on panel, 36 x 48in, 2009
Josh Baptista, Kate Gartrell, Igor Pasternak, Nikki Painter, Erin Raedeke, Allison Reimus, Katherine Sable, Bonner Sale, Lana Stephens, Zac Willis
RESULTS: American University MFA Thesis Exhibition
April 23 - May 17
Opening reception:
Thursday, April 23
5 - 9pm
@ American University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center4400 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Robin RoseCypherApril 7 - May 17Opening reception:Thursday, April 235 - 9pm@ American University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center4400 Massachusetts Avenue NW
A Fine LineWorks by Noelle K. Tan and Laurel LukaszewskiApril 23 - JulyOpening reception and artist talk:Thursday, April 235:30 - 7pm@ 505 9th Street NW Lobby
The Art Registry in conjunction withWilco Residential, urbanpace, and the Pink Line ProjectThursday, April 236:30 - 10pm@ Eleventh Street Providence Lofts1515 11th Street NW
Hillyer Art Space Film Series Featuring Henry Ferrini's
Polis is This:
Charles Olson and the Persistence of Place Thursday, April 23 7pm @ Hillyer Art Space 9 Hillyer Court NW
Michelle Eye Study #1, oil on canvas, 6 x 8in, 2009
Laura Elkins: The First Ladies and Me
through May 4
Gallery talk:
Thursday, April 23
@ Sixth & I Historic Synogouge
600 I Street NW
Photo by Darren Santos
Transformer Presents: Collector's View 2009
View the Collection of Farinaz & Dadi Akhavan
Thursday, April 23
Amita Bhatt, Nina Glaser, Kat Rohrbacher, Katherine Mann, Scott Shanley, Karla Cott, Clarissa Gregory, Judy Stone, Pete Cullen, Alan Callander, Robby Rackleff, Emily Wathen, Sandy Triolo, Tiffany PlanteMaryland College of Art Graduate Thesis Exhibition
April 24 - May 3
Opening reception:
Friday, April 24
5 - 7pm
@ Decker Gallery, Fox Building
1300 W. Mount Royal Avenue, Baltimore
ArtSpace Cellular Photography Show 2009
Friday, April 24
6 - 8pm
@ ArtSpace
614 S Street NW
Trevor YoungNon-PlacesApril 25 - June 6Opening reception:Saturday, April 256 - 8pm@ Flashpoint Gallery916 G Street NW
Flaunt: Photography and Fashion Collaborationpresented by Honfleur Gallery, Ten Miles Square and Project Beltway LLC
Saturday, April 25
@ Honfleur Gallery
1227 Good Hope Rd, SE
O Street Artist StudiosOpen StudiosSaturday, April 25
Sunday, April 2611am - 5pm@ 52 O Street NW
Bike Rack DedicationMonday, April 272pm@ US DOT Southwest PlazaNew Jersey Avenue and Tingey Street SE