On bondage

Very excited to be one of "The Cultural Crowd's Refreshing Faces" in the Washington Post's Fall Arts Preview section on Sunday. Am definitely in great company! It's so exciting to see all the cool creative stuff that's happening in DC in all the areas of art. And it's so exciting to have the WaPo acknowledge all of our hard work. Yay!
The above photograph of me and Jon Gann taken by Pulitzer prize winner Lucian Perkins was part of the photo spread for the print copy. I've received a couple snide comments from alleged friends about this picture and shall address them accordingly.
1. I was excited that we were placed "above the fold." Then my friend David pointed out that he had "seen bondage on film but never with film." [emphasis added] I suddenly realized that that photo placement had a lot less to do with me and Jon and a lot more to do with sex sells! Thanks David for bursting that little bubble.
2. My friend Michael called yesterday to say that I looked "funny" in the picture. Funny? Um-kaaay. His point was that I never wear make-up so seeing me wear a bunch of make-up looked funny. Ok, I agree but it's not like I had any control over the make-up person who was slathering it all over my face! His comment was later punctuated by another friend Jessica's observation that it was like when women who never wear make-up get married and they cake on the make-up for their wedding day and it just looks unnatural and not like themselves. Knife now firmly wedged through heart.
OH PLEASE PHILIPPA YOU LOOKED FABULOUS. THE DRESS WAS PERFECT THE SHOES WERE PERFECT THE SMILE AND GLOW WERE PERFECT. Congrats and I am so excited and happy to be in DC with someone like you who takes the energy level up high and encourages us all to keep being creative.
12:23 PM
I'm so glad you posted this! Dave told me about it, but when I went to the WaPo site I didn't know how to find it. Nice write-up! I felt very artsy while I was reading it, I was even eating sushi. Go me! I'd like to be considered a patron of the arts - does that count for anything?
12:49 PM
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2:51 PM
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2:51 PM
It's really a fun, playful photo that really highlights your and Jon's personalities and communicates that you're making the stodgy world of art galleries fun and hip. It's not your fault that you're sexy ;)
And if that's bondage... did you see some of the photos at Artomatic?
10:55 AM
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