A person who appears to be ambling aimlessly, but is secretly in search of adventure.


THANK YOU @christylezbacon for the pink ukulele! I love it and I can't wait to get some lessons from the equally awesome Maureen Andary!

Lunch today with the incredible @christylezbacon. He's opening show for chuck brown oct. 30 8pm @strathmore!


Here's my little chat with @anandaleeke blogtalkradio last night. Once I got warmed up, I started sounding less idiotic. http://ow.ly/2WLlU


Day after announcing my new ex-lawyer status: spoke to CathU art+law class! Just gave them realistic pic of what's in store. Mwahaha!


Plz support Pediatric AIDS-HIV Care Wed. nite. I'm presenting an award to Sheldon Scott too! $25 discount with code: PLP. http://ow.ly/2W28H


Two recommendations this week: Pediatric AIDS-HIV Care fundraiser on Wed. and uber creative way to fund artists on Sat. http://ow.ly/2V7NH


Good thing school buses taking u back & forth from Dupont 4 BURST! RT @djnattyboom: Uh oh, @artisphere. blue/orange metro wknd disruptions

BURST! http://ow.ly/2QIZG: Dance http://ow.ly/2QIU4 Comedy http://ow.ly/2QIVz Cabaret http://ow.ly/2QIXk Christylez! http://ow.ly/2QIYc


The incredible Kelly Bond & Melissa Krodman curated amazing performances 4 BURST! Sat. 11pm-2am Only $20, free beer&wine http://ow.ly/2Q1jC

You can get fun preview at Burst 10-9-10! http://ow.ly/2PTlx RT @dance_dc: Looking fwd to the @Artisphere opening this weekend. 10-10-10


Helped judge Dance Metro DC's "Should I quit my day job" dance off with Luis Torres, Washington Ballet, & Chuck Bell, NBC weather guy. Fun!

Burst tix winners! Terra Deskins for best dream date & @ladyglock for worstdateever @artisphere. Everyone else: plz buy tix soon! Worried you will miss really really fun night. http://ow.ly/2PlYi



@PhillipsCollection is "an intimate museum combined with an experiment station." Great partnership with Aspen Institute today!

Ambassador Arturo Sarukhan: need more aggressive funding of educational programs like Fulbright, ensures citizens gain stake in each other

Madeleine Albright: Vaclav Havel said "Jazz kept hope of freedom of hope alive in Czechoslovakia." What is jazz of today? Hip hop?

Jim Moran: Cultural diplomacy by govt tainted with having strategic objective. Must come from those who wish to share search for truth.

Joseph Duffey: should reallocate resources, spend less $ on broadcasting & more $ on forums/dialogue & intense personal experiences

Eric Fischl: it's important for people to make pilgrimages to see and experience great art.

A.Nafisi recites a few lines of Persian poetry that says "go against the flow of habits."

A.Nafisi: cultural diplomacy=genuine curiosity about others & offering something that makes others curious about you + connection to others

Azar Nafisi is soooo awesome! "I want to live in the republic of the imagination, which transcends religion, nationality, race, gender...."

J.Leach: social media increases communication. Will this lead to greater cultural understanding?

Jim Leach: Military power infused with cultural knowledge is lacking. Must understand the cultural setting.

E.Diller: "The Mall has been site of great speeches etc. The Hirshhorn's bubble inhales that air of greatness."

Elizabeth Diller: "Art is a resource for thought."

Aspen Institute forum on cultural diplomacy today @phillipscollection. Will be tweeting all day @pinklineproject!


"Don't leave! I have coupons!" worstdateever @artisphere
