MPA Call for Entries!

Fantastic Journeys: Call for Entries!EXHIBITION DATESJune 17 – July 31, 2010CASH AWARDS of $1,500SUBMISSION DEADLINEApril 12, 2010, 5 pmTO ENTER
- Artists may submit up to four images. Images must be sent on a disc in 300 dpi resolution jpeg format. Please do not email images. Each image should be labeled with the artist’s last name, first name and image number (example, smith.jane1.jpeg). Cover and disc must both be labeled with artist’s name, title of piece, length and year created.
- A hard copy of a list of images. Include artist name, title of piece, sales price, medium, size and year done.
- Artist statement
- Current resume
- Self-addressed, stamped envelope if you would like your submission returned. Only submissions with SASE included will be returned.
- Completed entry form
- Entry fee of $25.
Make checks payable to:McLean Project for the ArtsFor further information email Nancy Sausser:nsausser@mpaart.orgMcLean Project for the Arts,1234 Ingleside Avenue,McLean, VA 22101Phone: 703.790.1953TDD
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