Spontaneous Combustion: POSTPONED UNTIL APRIL!

Spontaneous Combustion: Crafting Performance in the MomentA workshop in the performance of improvisation for actors and dancers with the improvisational ensemble, Like You Mean It, sponsored by the Taffety Punk Theater CompanyLIKE YOU MEAN ITNoelle Chun, Adriana Durant, Annie KloppenbergABOUT THE WORKSHOP (in brief)Session 1: Implode (10-12): Expanding possibilities, encountering risk, chance, and choice… play with extremes of consciousness, increasing self awareness in movement, following impulses and surprising oneself in personal movement vocabularies while developing cohesive solo materialSession 2: Explode (12-2): Ensemble Making, Composing in a Group …expand awareness to the whole group and awaken a responsive body that can integrate personal movement impulses with a larger group awareness, alternating between perceiving and generating composition, establishing a group sensitivity.Session 3: Blow it Up (10-12): Get performance-ready, refining approaches to composition …participants further refine their new ensemble dynamic and begin to recognize and create coherent pieces.2PM PERFORMANCE: Invite Your Friends! …workshop participants put their new to the test in front of an audience!@ Flashpoint Mead Theater Lab916 G Street NW WDCSat. Feb. 13 10-2pm (bring snack/lunch)Sun. Feb 14 10-3, (break 12-1, 2pm show*)*open to the public, $10***** POSTPONED UNTIL APRIL*****Registration: (202) 261-6612$65 Full Workshop$50 Saturday onlyABOUT LYMIThe Columbus, OH-based improvisational trio of dance artists performs and teaches workshops nationally. Audiences have heralded Like You Mean It’s simultaneous wit, humanity, oddity, and physical virtuosity. The dancers first began working together regularly as graduate students at The Ohio State University and found their individual and collective ideas about improvisationalperformances yielded a dynamic, distinctive approach to group improvisational performance and teaching. Past & upcoming performances and teaching engagements include The Ohio State University, CM2, Agora Arts Festival, Sneak Reviews at Cleveland Public Theater Parish Hall, Ohio University, University of Akron, Oberlin College: (OH); Green Street Studios (MA), University of Wisconsin; Zenon Company Studios (MN), Southern Theater for Minnesota Fringe Festival, Epiphany Dance Experiment (Chicago), University of Michigan, Michigan Dance Project, Triskelion Arts (NYC).
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