Veronica's mural causes uproar!
When I first went over to my friend Veronica's house on Memorial Day to watch awesome artist Lisa Marie put the finishing touches on this mural, I turned the corner onto her street and was blown away. Wow. Loooooved it!!! Wish it were in my neighborhood. Wish I could see it everyday. Maybe it would help if Lisa Marie would add a panda bear to the mural.
As a former lawyer, how would you evaluate this case?
Is this simply an issue of first amendment rights? It seems that way to me at least... It seems to be one of the rare black and white, no gray area debates.
Even so, just because it's legal doesn't necessarily make it 'right' (e.g. the Skokie trials: ).
My point - Should Veronica legally be allowed to have the mural? Absolutely. However, comparing the mural to a benign gazebo is foolish, I think. Her refusal to acknowledge that these two things are not the same is infuriating.
10:05 PM
But the gazebo is not benign, it is absolutely ugly. Urban art has more of an appropriate place on that side wall then a suburban gazebo has on the rooftop of that house.
7:35 AM
unless your home is part of an HOA, and unless the painting is or can be labeled obscene, I don't think there is anything anyone can do about it. it's paint on the side of a home which is no different than having your neighbors pick out what color you can paint your house.
But did anyone notice how ironic it was that the one protester had a hip-hop theatre shirt on? ha! she must have rec'd it as a gift or bought it used...
7:41 PM
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