Call For Entries: Red Bull Art of Can

OPEN CALL FOR ARTISTS OF ALL MEDIUMS TO EXHIBIT ORIGINAL WORK AT 2009 RED BULL ART OF CANYou can check out art works from past Art of Can exhibits at Cherry Blast.
Red Bull Art of Can is a national juried exhibition featuring artwork in a variety of media that have one thing in common - they are all inspired by Red Bull or crafted from the iconic blue and silver cans. The juried exhibition is open to anyone with a flair for creativity and the talent to transform an original concept into a compelling piece of art that can be shared with a public audience. Registration is free and open to artists nationwide through May 15, 2009. Sculptures, paintings, digital/graphic designs and various forms of mixed media will all be considered.
The 2009 Red Bull Art of Can exhibition will be held in Washington, D.C. at Union Station October 8-19.
Participants nationwide are encouraged to submit original works of art created with or inspired by Red Bull cans. Past entries have included sculptures, clothing, games and even songs, but the rulebook remains an open canvas. Use your imagination to show us what you can do with the body of a Red Bull can.
Application deadline is May 15. Learn more at
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