Communitarianism as art

MAN isn't impressed with the Fritz Haeg installation in the Cottage Industry show at the Baltimore Contemporary Museum. I haven't seen it, but I know and admire his work as an activist who uses art to convey ideas. And the concept of communitarianism-as-art sure does appeal to me. (Although it's hard for me to imagine myself as somewhere between hippie and hipster!) And so does the idea of providing a place to nurture ideas. Sorta like a Washington think tank but for art. A Kunsthalle is just what DC needs.
Haeg is a leading figure in an increasing trend toward communitarianism-as-art. If we feel good about what someone is doing and want to be a part of it, so the art world's approach seems to be, let's claim it as art and feel good about getting together. It's where hippie meets hipster.
All that said, even if the Haeg here is a 60-year old idea with origins in wartime Britain, he fits what Cottage Industry is: A show that works hard to avoid art objects, that's more interested in a post-Brooklyn/Silver Lake utopia. Sure, a lot of the work here isn't really art, but it isn't really anything else either. That's fine. It's refreshing to see a kunsthalle such as the Baltimore Contemporary used as an idea lab. But of all the 'presentations' here, Haeg's is the least original and the least exciting. I'll get to the 'exciting' tomorrow.
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