Twombly declared great graffiti artist

Modern Art Notes recommends we read this piece about Cy Twombly's upcoming exhibition at the Tate Modern. Besides expressing great admiration for Twombly's work ("the only graffiti artist I care about"), the author seems to relish the opportunity to rail against Banksy. He clearly does not care for Banksy's brand of graffiti, but this condemnation seems a tad out of place. I think he's really just annoyed about the populist, and therefore I suspect he believes inferior, appeal of Banksy's art. I agree that it's a shame an important artist like Twombly goes unnoticed, while people crowd around to see Banksy's latest piece. But why distract further from Twombly's work by bashing Banksy, whose clever social commentary can make a huge impact on the way people think and relate to one another and doesn't require a semester-long course in art history and theory to comprehend? The dialogue about art can include both artists, just maybe not necessarily in the same conversation.
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