DC Mag is fun

Nice mentions in DC Magazine this month:
Forget the art--the serious bites of eye candy are the artists themselves, along with the the posh spots where thay hang. It's hard to miss eclectic hotshots like Kathryn Cornelius, Kelly Towles, Jason Wright, Lisa Marie Thalhammer and Tim Conlon, but you have to be in the right place. Head to the super-cool studio space at 52 O Street, the chic Civilian Art Projects, posh pizzeria Comet Ping Pong, the ever-hip Hirshhorn Afterhours, or practically anything hosted by Philippa Hughes's Pink Line Project, Brightest Young Things or the hottest thing on H Street, Dissident Display, to get a glimpse at how this stylish set rolls.

Art Opening For Jason Horowitz
The Party: DC's artsy insiders headed over to the home of Andrea Evers and Brian Aitken to view Jason Horowitz's latest work. The Players: James Alefantis, Maria Hutcheson, Veronica Jaskcon, Philippa Hughes and Andrea Pollan checked out the artist's fine, albeit fleshy, photos. Best In Show: Guests enjoyed a cool talk given by art guru Henry Thaggert. --Tiffany Jow.
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