Save the goldfish!

For the love of god, somebody please rescue the goldfish!
I'm so relieved!
The City Paper reports.
“We go out of our way to be responsible,” says Steven Cassell, project manager for Four Points LLC, the property’s majority owner. “We wanted to do something that would be good for the arts in D.C. Unfortunately there were some other issues that came into play. Everything was done in goodwill.”This developer went out of their way and has been particularly generous in helping promote the visual arts and they got shut down by the city, effectively discouraging future support from Four Points or any other developer in town. Or maybe it will encourage developers and the city to find a way to create affordable and accessible visual art spaces in finished venues.
In case you didn't get to see Here & Now before it was locked up:
As a result of the premature closing of this dynamic exhibition of work, Transformer will be hosting a party at Comet Ping Pong on Saturday, May 31 at 9:30 pm to share images of the artists' installations, and programming that took place at 1840 14th Street, NW during the week that Here & Now was on view.
Please come join us to celebrate these artists and their work. Transformer Board Member Iona Rozeal Brown will be dj-ing along with special guests.
Saved! Well, 20 of them.
5:20 PM
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