Artistic idealism

Zoe Myers shared with me this artist statement by Jonathan Stein, an artist she shows in her gallery Heineman Myers:
In the ebb and flow of our existence, we are confronted by great hindrances, as well as overwhelming moments of joy, which shape and define our character. It is my assertion that within each individual there lives and breathes a personal narrative that holds merit and deserves to be fully recognized. As a visual storyteller and conceptual artist, my life’s passion revolves around uncovering not only my own inherent story but the elaborate tales of those around me. . . .
My purpose as an artist and individual is propelled by an insatiable need to make a difference in this world for the good and to create artwork that can reach out and connect with audiences. Whatever the artistic medium, whatever the tools I may utilize, and whatever the lengths I must creatively push myself to realize my vision, this hunger is what serves as my foundation and allows me to claim the serious title of artist and visionary.
We need this kind of idealism in our artists. We need it for ourselves.
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