Washington Life

Code red bragging alert! Stop reading now if your gag reaction has just been activated.
Washington Life did a really nice piece on me in the March issue. My only complaint: my cheeks look like I am still storing acorns for the winter. That is not the fault of fabulous photographer Beth Farnstrom. Actually, one of my many nicknames when I was in high school was Chipmunk Cheeks. I thought I would have outgrown that by now. Ralphie looks really really pissed off.
WL also mentioned Salon Contra in the arts column too:
The quick-witted French of the 17th century snapped up the delicious Italian word sala, or “room,” and deftly applied it to the gatherings of their bewigged, literary precieuses. Pink Line Project founder Philippa Hughes translated this concept into Salon Contra, hosted at her own Logan Circle apartment, where Contrarians ranged from architects, framer, and image stylists to interior decorators, performance artists , real estate developers, and even a magician. After wine, dumplings and merriment, Mike Weber and guests vowed to make 14th street nightspot Marvin (2007 14th St. NW) the Tuesday-night-hub of the District’s creative community. At the very least, it’ll be a nice way to get all the art history majors into one place.
that's so awesome! i haven't seen it yet, but will definitely check it out...
12:40 PM
Hoogrrl is who's next - awesome. Is the article online? The mag looks too classy for my lifestyle.
3:00 PM
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