the alloy project
"alloy is a multimedia project that uses photography, performance, and film to explore multiracial identity among women and men who grew up in the post-Civil Rights era in the US."
As part of the film portion of the project, I was interviewed by the cultural anthropologist and film maker Jessica Tomiko Anders. She explores the formation of bi-racial identity in her film and shows how identity is often formed and re-inforced through visual media.
"I have designed mergence (working title) to explore multiracial identity formation from the perspectives of a variety of individuals who vary across race/ethnicity. mergence uses one-on-one interviews to explore how each participant dealt with their biracial identity from childhood through adulthood, with a focus on the decisive events that shape each s shifting notion of self, and proved pivotal to their relationships with family and friends."
Screening of mergence as a work in progress, is scheduled for July 2006 in Washington, D.C. At the screening, the film maker, film participants, and audience members will engage in discourse on multiracial identity in contemporary U.S. society. Selections from mergence will also be used in the performance of FUSE for its debut in September 2006 at the San Francisco Fringe Festival.
An article about this project.